Resources for Finding Talent in the Healthcare Industry
Keep Learning, Keep Building, Never Stop Thinking!
Healthcare Recruiters and Sourcers, I've built this additional Tools site focused in Healthcare Resources and Databases to target Clinical, Nursing, Doctors, Dentists, and Researchers in the healthcare industry. The information is out there, and I hope this helps you find it. I'm always open to adding content, so let me know if something works for you and I'll add it to the inventory!
Note: Many of these tools work best on Google Chrome, since many extensions listed are focused on that Web Browser.
This short list are my personal favorite combination of tools, extensions, and searching technology. The key is putting this all together in an innovative way.
Hiretual does a bit of everything. Boolean building, data scraping, pulling information into a pipeline, and even cross referencing. Like the mind of a Sourcer, this tool is always expanding and adding new features.

Search-Preview gives you a quick "preview" of a link when you hover in a google search. Autopagerize pulls your results automatically when you scroll down the list of results in a Google search. Paired together, this can make a Sourcer super productive especially when using the next set of tools in the Combo (see below).

Dataminer and the new Recipe Creator are by far my favorite set of tools right now. Now only can you pull data into spreadsheets with DataMiner, the team has even created the Recipe Creator to help us non-programmers. Both have a bit of a learning curve, but thanks to some of the tutorials Dataminer has released, as well as Dean Da Costa's youtube videos, we have a way to get past it!

Below are a listing of sites to find Doctors and Dentists, as well as some other lesser known ways to target this group.
Healthgrades is a free database you can use to search for Doctors by specialty (including Dentists as well). Includes contact info as well!
HealthProfs is a recent find that is free to search. If you aren't familiar with Boolean Strings or Site Searches, this may be a good place to start.
Npino is more for private practices, but often times you can find direct contact information and search by specialty. You can search for Doctors, Dentists, and even Nurses!
University and Faculty Directories can be a great resource to find MDs, PhDs, and even RNs. An example on how to search via Google is listed here.
This is a lesson of syntax. Many lists of doctors are listed with doctors.htm in the URL. This can lead you to a quick alternative list of MDs or PhDs. You can read more on this technique in this article.
Below are a list of sites to find Nurses and Clinical populations. I want to give special thanks to Chris Szonn who provided me several of the Nurse Practitioner resources.
Indeed is a good source to start with. They have a free resume search and user friendly filters you can use to tailor your search results. They have a large volume of nurses as well, so you start here to "check the market" prior to diving into alternative pipeling tools.
Associations can be a great resource in identifying talent as well. The Nursing Network is a prime example. The challenge here comes with cross referencing and finding additional information. Some alternative cross referencing techniques can be found within this article.
Chris Szonn brought this site to my attention a while back, thanks buddy! You can use the ENP Network to identify Nurse Practitioners and RNs that may not be "out there" looking. An example site search is here.
EatRight.org (Dietitians)
Eat Right is a well known directory for dietitians, but also an example on how you can use "find a" in your google search. No complex Boolean Syntax required. Here's an example of how I found it.
HealthProfs is a recent find that is free to search. If you aren't familiar with Boolean Strings or Site Searches, this may be a good place to start.
Lori Schifman shared this in a past SourceCon Roundtable Discussion. She found this by plugging "Top Sites to find Nurses" into Google and hit a gold mine of resources! Thanks Lori!
An example of how Associations can be helpful in finding an additional pipeline. You can also find the Americian Association of Nurse Practitioners by Goolging: "Find a Nurse Practitioner."
Healthgrades and Doximity
Not just for Doctors, Healthgrades and Doximity can be used to search for nurse practitioners as well.
Below are sites to find Scientists and Researchers. Publication Sites and Patent Sites are a huge resource for this group!
I’ve found publications sites like Google Scholar EXTREMELY helpful when looking for research and science candidates. Often times, the titles of articles can tell you more than a linkedin job title. So, for example, if I were looking for a medicinal chemist with experience with “small molecules” and “drug discovery," the articles can give MUCH better insight.
Google Patents is another way to find scientists or researchers, or someone of a very technical nature. You can also download a CSV spreadsheet of the results which is a nice feature.
Another great site for Publications and Researchers, but less user friendly to search.
Free Patents Online is another way to find scientists or researchers, or someone of a very technical nature. The search functionality involves a bit of a learning curve, but you can use some of this syntax to search by location.
Add Keywords and use the acronyms:
IC = Inventor City
AC = Assignee City
Thanks Nels Hanson....He told me about this site after a recent SourceCon. It's a great resource to pull information on Clinical Trials.
I found by adding "Find Top Sites to Find Researchers" in a Google Search. Sometimes natural language in your search can lead to a gold mine of info!


I’ve worked as both a Full Cycle Recruiter and a Sourcing Analyst for many industries (including healthcare, engineering, IT, and manufacturing). I’m currently working as a Strategic Sourcing Analyst at Houghton Mifflin Harcourt . I specialize in headhunting and advanced sourcing techniques to engage job seekers and connect them with hiring managers.
For me, it’s always been about helping the people in the room, no matter the situation. That’s why I created the HRSourcingToolbox.
I'm an ongoing contributor on Sourcecon and SourceHouston, a Speaker, Writer, and a huge fan of sourcing tools and emerging technologies. The data is out there; sometimes all you need is the right resource to find it. I hope this helps!