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Keep Learning, Keep Building, Never Stop Thinking!

Recruiters and Sourcers,  I built this list of tools and resources to help you in your search for talent.  Whether you are looking in Healthcare, Engineering, or other industries, I've collected the following sites to help you help you get past any obstacle that comes your way.  I'm always open to adding content, so let me know if something works for you and I'll add it to the inventory! 

Note: These tools work best on Google Chrome, since many extensions listed are focused on that Web Browser.

You can find video tutorials on my  NEW Youtube Channel and a full list of my articles here!

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About Me

I’ve worked as both a Full Cycle Recruiter and a Sourcing Analyst for many industries (including healthcare, engineering, IT, and manufacturing).  I’m currently working as a Principal Sourcing Leader for M&T Bank. I specialize in headhunting and advanced sourcing techniques to engage job seekers and connect them with hiring managers.

For me, it’s always been about helping the people in the room, no matter the situation. That’s why I created the HRSourcingToolbox, to help everyone!

I've spoken at many SourceCons and CareerArc Webinars and in case you missed it, this website is built around the Sourcing Tools I talked about.  I'm open to other speaking or training engagements as well.

I'm an ongoing contributor on Sourcecon, a Speaker, Writer, and a huge fan of sourcing tools and emerging technologies.  The data is out there; sometimes all you need is the right resource to find it. I hope this helps!

You can find video tutorials on my Youtube Channel and a full list of my articles here!

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Top Tools


Hiretual (pronounced like Virtual) Linkedin, Facebook, Github, Zocdoc, Npino and more searches in development.  Ninh Tran and his team are always updating, and they have a growing number of healthcare/medical searches! Hiretual is a Bionic Tool, always upgrading and getting smarter and faster.


Search-Preview is a productivity tool that lets you "preview" a webpage before you open in.  IT is a very helpful tool when site searching Linkedin.  
Ex. Google this: "mechanical engineer"

DataMiner Recipe Creator

New tool to help create recipes for web scraping.  You can customize the data scrape to pull a CSV spreadsheet the way you want.  In Beta, and super helpful!


RecruitEm is another search tool that automates the Boolean Site Search.  Definitely worth taking a look at based on its user friendly interface.


Zapier combines different apps and APIs without having to know any programming languages.  I've been able to combine several workflows, including automating Meetup information loaded into a GoogleSheet when a new member joins.  There's over 1000 apps to integrate.  I'm still experimenting with this one.

ZapInfo (Formerly WebClipDrop)

ZapInfo is a scraping technology that not only pulls profile data into an organized format, but extracts it into a CSV.  You can also "enrich" data which works to aggregate data from other social media sites.

(Web Scraper)

DataMiner parses information on your webpage and extracts similar wording into a CSV/Excel file.  This is extremely helpful when conducting site searches, xray, or pulling up profiles on  the web.  Once you move beyond the learning curve, this can be an amazing time saver.


Automatically pulls pages of results into one scrollable page.  Great when combined with Dataminer and Search-Preview to extract massive amounts of data.


Created by Social Talent, this tool helps site search various websites very similar to Hiretual.  It also has a Boolean Builder as well.


AirTable automatically builds out a spreadsheet, database, or CRM with less inputs than many of the other datascrapers.

This is a big help for those who may not know the inner workings of dataminer or outwit.

You can use Bubble to create your own app without knowing programming.  This is a free builder much like  However, there is a steep learning curve.  More to come...

Mentioned to me by Bret Feig, this one is one of my favorite scraping technologies.  Although there's a steep learning curve on this one, once you get through the hump and start using this scraper, building your own custom scrapers, and "clicking in" to profiles in a list and pull a deeper level of data, it can be a game changer!  You can export your "site maps" too to share between users.

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DataMiner/RecipeCreator Overview

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DataMiner Full WalkThrough

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"Go To" Sites

Federal Election Committee (

The Federal Election Committee can be a great resource for finding names of contributors who may not be on the job boards.  The houses information on campaign contributors and can be searched by job title.

Free Patents Online

Free Patents Online is another way to find scientists or researchers, or someone of a very technical nature.  The search functionality involves a bit of a learning curve, but you can use some of this syntax to search by location. 

Add Keywords and use the acronyms:

IC = Inventor City

AC = Assignee City

Search is Back (Facebook Search)

This is a web based Facebook Search tool and a "go to" site when extensions break.
Select Search for “All People” (via drop down menu)
Enter Job Title or other info
Click “Find People!”

Google Scholar

I’ve found publications sites like Google Scholar EXTREMELY helpful when looking for research and science candidates.  Often times, the titles of articles can tell you more than a linkedin job title.  So, for example, if I was looking for a medicinal chemist with experience with “small molecules” and “drug discovery, the articles can give MUCH better insight.

Texas Board of Engineering

Many States have registration sites or boards.  This can be a good place to find licensed candidates, like Professional Engineers, Nurses, MDs, etc.  Some even have contact info!  I’ve pulled dietitians, engineers, nurses, doctors, and even scientific writers this way.  You can literally find these by googling (board of engineering in your state OR Registration/Licensing for Nurses).  Like, sometimes you are just targeting a name to cross reference.


This is a recent find that you can not only site search/xray, you can pull a list of names of former employees.  This is a huge find and a free resource.  You may have to do some additional research and cross referencing for the rest.


Trustoria is a directory I’ve found useful for engineering and other roles.  You can search through keywords or a Boolean site search.  You may have to do some additional research and use cross referencing, but you can find names of candidates who may not be looking!  Name, job title, company worked at are on here, another free resource!


Many of my healthcare friends use Doximity to look for doctors, but you can also look for nursing folks here.  You can use this syntax to site search via Google: inurl:pub (keywords)


You can look on npino for private practices.  Npino has doctors, nurses, and dentists listed by specialty, and many of these may not be “out there” looking.  In other words, you have another untapped pool of talent.  You can also search by specialty, which is a huge help!

Angel List (Start Ups)

Angel List is a good resource for talent in start ups or in smaller companies.  You can search via google through the following methods: “people skilled at * ” biomedical

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Greg's Custom Search Engines (CSEs) - Standard

Through the process of site searches, URL Sourcing, and list diving... I've created a wide array of FREE CSEs.  Google Custom Search Engines can be used to search specific sites through a different means. This is especially effective for sites like Linkedin, which has commercial view limits set on the number of profiles one can view. The following CSEs are built around some complex syntax, and several sites have limited profile information. So start with simple keywords first, then expand out and see if you are pulling the right info.

Many of these are works in progress, and I'm open to suggestions or adjustments.

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GH Linkedin CSE

Search Linkedin for Contact Info

Search Linkedin through Google to avoid commercial view limit. Enter keywords and pull direct contact information through the tabs

GH Linkedin Contact Extractor

Search Linkedin for Contact Info (More variations)

Search Linkedin through Google to avoid commercial view limit. Enter keywords and pull direct contact information through the tabs

GH Zoomstalker

Search Zoominfo for FREE!

Zoominfo search (Good for Executive or Sales). Enter job title/keywords. Search C-Level/Exec and pull direct contact information through various tabs

GH List Finder

Attendee List Search

List Finder (focused on searching for Conference Lists, Attendee Lists or Directories). Helps reduce time searching for random lists since search is centered on specific conference list syntax.


List CSE targeting .PDF and .XLS files

List Finder targeting PDF and XLS documents, with a broader focus but better chance of getting lucky with a random list

GH Google Plus Stalker

Google Plus Site Search

Google Plus Search to find contact information or local to Houston

GH Research Gate CSE

CSE built around the Publications site Research Gate

Research Gate searches for scientists, researchers, or publications

GH PubMed Search

CSE built around searching the Publications site PubMed

PubMed search for academic journals or publications

GH Search Business Database Search (formerly Jigsaw) based CSE, great for business development and Execs. Search job title/location since abbreviated "contact view" is searched.

GH Linkedin RU CSE (Recent Updates)

Searches for Recently Updated Profiles on Linkedin

Site Search for recently updated profiles on Linkedin.  Refinements will be added in the upcoming weeks.

GH Quora CSE

Searches Quora for Profiles

This CSE is build around Quora forums, specifically profiles.

Greg's Custom Search Engines - Advanced

Through the process of site searches, URL Sourcing, and list diving... I've created a wide array of FREE CSEs.  Google Custom Search Engines can be used to search specific sites through a different means. This is especially effective for sites like Linkedin, which has commercial view limits set on the number of profiles one can view. The following CSEs are built around some complex syntax, and several sites have limited profile information. So start with simple keywords first, then expand out and see if you are pulling the right info.

These are more advanced than the standard CSEs.  Some Boolean knowledge may be required.

Many of these are works in progress, and I'm open to suggestions or adjustments.

GH Hidden Resume Finder

Hidden Resume CSE

Looks for resumes and CVs through alternative boolean strings

GH Google Scholar CSE

For Science, Research, and Publications

Site search based for publications to cross reference candidate information. Great for Scientists.


For Science, Research, and Publications

Site search based for publications to cross reference candidate information. Great for Scientists.


For Science, Research, and Publications

Site search based for publications to cross reference candidate information.

GH Angel List CSE

Start Ups

Site Search for, Start-ups based, use "Profiles" tabs to filter out jobs, taking requests for other filters

GH Manta CSE

Contractor Database (think HVAC and Master Electricians)

Stephan Kim told me about Manta at Sourcecon 2015.  You can search Manta for Contractors, Electricians and HVAC filters built, taking requests for more filters.

GH Twitter CSE

CSE to find Arron Daniels some Twitter Handles

Searches Twitter for Handles and Profiles.  I built this while talking to Arron about how to look for java developers on Twitter.

The Gonzo

Multiple Site Search CSE
Use -job -apply in Search Box

Named for its weirdness, this CSE is a monster of many parts.  Site searches are built in for Angel List, Google+, Google Scholar, Loop,, PubMed, Research Gate and others.  Originally created to target scientists; this also works well with other industries.

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More Tools

Here are more sites, directories, and tools you can utilize to find talent.  Some Boolean and Crossreferencing may be required.


Social Network for Architecture

Great resource for Architecture based candidates.  Some even have full resumes on their profile!

Github (IT)

IT Based Network and Job board

IT based job board and social network.  Great place to find IT or Tech professionals


Start Ups

F6S is a site geared around start ups and founders.


Data Science

Great resource for Data Science and Data Scientists.  Some Advanced Boolean may be needed to site search effectively.


Social Network for Military

This is a social network based for military professionals.  Great way to engage the military community.

Sourcinglab (Github)

Github Search Tool

You can use Sourcing Lab to search Github more effectively.


For Science, Research, and Publications

Loop is a great site to find Scientists and Researchers.  See my Loop CSE to search for users


For Science, Research, and Publications

Publications site where you can locate researchers or scientists.  Less user friendly than other sites.

Social Network for Marketing/Social Branding

For Marketing/Social Branding/Freelance

Stack Overflow (IT)

IT Based Network and Job Board

Like Github, this can be a great place to network with IT professionals.

Research Gate

For Science, Research, and Publications

Another great site for Science, but less user friendly to search.


PDF to Excel Converter

Cometdocs converts PDFs files to Excel which can come in handy when you find a list in PDF.

Text Now

Free Texting Technology

Text Now is a free texting technology you can use to engage candidates.  This has also been helpful to our scheduling and onboarding teams as an additional point of contact.

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More Chrome Extensions

Facebook - Intelligence Search

This tool not only helps you search Facebook for talent, you can pull an excel spreadsheet of the results.  Check out the Group Search features as well!


Aggregation Tool


Aggregation Tool


Aggregation Tool

Email Hunter

Aggregation Tool


Aggregation Tool

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More Tools from the Gurus

Home: Services

Dean Da Costa

The Search Authority

Todd Davis

The Candidate Generator

Irina Shimaeva

Boolean Strings

SourcingIRL Youtube Channel

More Videos, Hacks, Tool Overviews by Me!

Untech Videos by Bret Feig

Even More Sourcing Tools, Overviews, and Hacks for the Non-Programmer

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Contact Me

If you have a question about these tools feel free to reach out!  I'm always happy to help out!

Thanks for submitting!


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